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In an attempt to safe-guard the health and well-being of its members, Serenata Singers has complied with the recommendations of the Provincial Health Authority and the Canadian Choral Federation. This meant that Serenata did not meet for months at a time.  Gladly, we are singing together once more, but with the addition of specialized singing masks that make our chosen past-time much more safe for the participants. As of March 2022, we have chosen to continue with masks and social distancing during our rehearsals and our upcoming performance in December. We will continue to take the advice of the experts as it comes, and strive to place the health of our community upmost in our minds. 





Serenata is currently involved in two fundraising pushes for the Spring season. We are providing Serenata members and their friends and family with a link to purchase Tru-Earth laundry detergent (as well as other products). 20% off the cost of the detergent is returned to the choir, as well as helping the planet with natural ingredients and almost very little packaging. Clink the link




Serenata is also buying gift cards through Meridian Meats.  30% of the denomination of the card is returned to the choir to fill our coffers, and the cards never expire.  Please contact Tanya for orders, who will accept cash, cheque, or e-transfer up until Thursday, 24th November.  She will arrange for pick up of the cards before our Christmas Concert on the 11th of December. 


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